Grants for ADA Compliance: How to Access Funding?

#adacompliance #accessibilitygrants

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Thanks to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), people with disabilities are living more independently within their cities and communities.

However, there are still businesses that are yet to start their ADA journey, and compliance is more important than ever.

If you’re worried about the cost implications of ADA compliance, you’ll be happy to know that ADA compliance grants are available. Let’s get into what you need to know. 

Infographic Grants for ADA Compliance

What is ADA Compliance?

The ADA is a federal law that requires businesses to provide reasonable access to all disabled individuals at their business premises and online. 

The ADA states that people with disabilities should have equal opportunities to participate in everyday activities. Whether they want to visit a restaurant or shop or learn online, they should be able to do this in the same way as everyone else.

To comply with the ADA, business and website owners would need to adjust their physical locations and websites to cater to different disabilities and assistive technology. 

What Happens If Your Business Doesn’t Comply with the ADA?

Businesses and entities that fail to adhere to the requirements outlined in the ADA could face legal implications in the form of costly fines and unnecessary lawsuits. 

Over and above this, businesses that don’t show a commitment to ADA compliance could lose potential customers and damage their brand’s reputation. People are far more willing to do business with brands that value inclusivity. 

4 ADA Accessibility Grants

Even though we’ve come a long way in making the world a more accessible place, there are still businesses that are yet to join these efforts. 

There is a common misconception that ADA compliance is too expensive. However, by failing to comply, you could be missing out on business from millions of potential customers who are living with disabilities. 

Just like there are grants available for people with disabilities, ADA compliance grants are available too.

Tax Credit

The IRS set up a tax credit to help small businesses mitigate some of their ADA-related costs. A summary of eligible access expenditures can be found in Section 44 of the Internal Revenue Code (1).

A small business is defined as an entity that generated revenue of $1,000,000 or less or had 30 or fewer full-time workers in the previous tax year.

A credit of up to $5,000 is available to businesses who want to comply with ADA requirements. This credit can be used to pay for equipment, unplanned building alterations, and other services. Some examples include:

  • Removing barriers that prevent someone with a disability from accessing it.
  • Providing assistive technology and materials to aid people with hearing and visual impairments.
  • Acquiring or modifying equipment for people with disabilities. 

The amount of the tax credit is equal to 50% of eligible expenses in a year, with $10,250 being the maximum. There is no credit for the first $250 of expenditures. 

Tax Deduction

Section 190 of the Internal Revenue Code also includes a tax deduction of up to $15,000 per year for the removal of access barriers. This tax deduction applies to businesses of any size.

Small businesses have the option of applying for both tax deductions and credit every year. However, any credit that is not utilized cannot be used in the following year. 

ADA National Network Funding

To support its mission to ensure equal opportunities and independent living for all disabled Americans, the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) National Network offers funding, guidance, and training.

This funding is available to higher education institutions, nonprofit organizations, and other businesses and agencies.

To determine what funding opportunities are available to you, you can access a list of NIDILRR funding opportunities and application kits on the ADA National Network website. It’s recommended that you check these opportunities between October and April annually. 

Capital and Training Assistance Program

This particular ADA accessibility grant is specifically aimed at giving disabled people access to bus transportation. Grants from the Capital and Training Assistance Program range from $25,000 – $180,000, which is available for three years. Only the owners of private bus companies are eligible for this grant. 

The funds can be used toward retrofitting old buses, maintenance, staff training, and purchasing new accessible buses. You can find out more on the Federal Transportation Administration website (2).

A More Accessible Society for All

With the help of ADA compliance grants, all businesses can do their part to remove access barriers and create a more inclusive society for all. 

Make a point of carefully reviewing the necessary grant criteria before you apply to avoid any delays. 

How we reviewed this article
  1. Current version
  2. Modified July 5, 2024

    What we changed

    Funding options were added

  3. Modified April 17, 2024

    What we changed

    Article was reviewed by an expert

  4. First Draft of the Article November 1, 2023
I have been helping global businesses bring their brands to life online for over 14 years now and I still love it! I am particularly passionate about ensuring online content is accessible to everyone. I’ve spent years learning as much as possible about web accessibility, ensuring I can educate others on its importance no matter what sector they are in.

Danny Trichter is a dedicated researcher specializing in digital accessibility, ensuring that websites and digital platforms are usable by everyone, including those with disabilities. Beyond his professional pursuits, Danny enjoys exploring new destinations, sharing his travel experiences on his blog, and discovering hidden gems in Thailand where he currently resides. In his leisure time, he loves hiking, connecting with nature, and capturing the beauty of the world through his camera lens


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James Hastie
James Hastie
1 year ago

This might be a new one, but if anyone knows of any funding for a youth camp to install an ADA trail through the woods, please let me know. Thank you!

1 year ago

Seeking a grant to improve my home/residence for accessibility and safety. Suggestion?

Paulette LeBlanc
Paulette LeBlanc
1 year ago

Looking for funding to make our high school performing arts center more accessible.

Laura Meunier
Laura Meunier
1 year ago

Looking for a grant to make the shuffleboard in my association level so I can join the fun. It was designed with lower level next to the court to catch the over shot disc’s I believe.

Jennifer Perryman
Jennifer Perryman
1 year ago

Looking for a grant to install a proper chair for accessibility into a pool at a physical therapy office.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Jennifer Perryman
9 months ago

Hi Jennifer,

Several grants and funding opportunities are available that can assist with installing accessibility equipment, such as a pool lift chair, for a physical therapy office. One is The AbilityOne Program, which provides employment opportunities and products to people with significant disabilities and might offer resources or grants for improving accessibility in workplaces. I hope you fine this helpful.

9 months ago

Is a church eligible for a grant to improve an existing ramp, change a threshold and widen some doorways?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Christine
9 months ago

Hi Christine,

Yes, a church is eligible for grants to improve accessibility features such as ramps, thresholds, and doorways. You may coordinate this with your Church. Thanks and hope this information helps.

9 months ago

My church want to install an automatic door opener for handicapped members. Are there funding options for this to happen

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Robert
9 months ago

Hi Robert,

There are several funding options available to help your church install an automatic door opener for handicapped members. Here are some potential sources of funding:

(1) Government Grants and Programs: Some federal and state programs provide grants specifically for making facilities accessible to people with disabilities.

(2) Nonprofit Organizations: Local United Way chapters often provide grants to community organizations for various projects, including accessibility improvements.

(3) Corporate Grants and Sponsorships: Many companies offer community grants or sponsorships, especially those with a focus on accessibility or community development. Companies like Home Depot, Walmart, or local businesses might be willing to support your project.

By exploring these options, you can find the necessary funding to make your church more accessible to all members.

9 months ago

Are there any grants available to get help with getting a walk in tub I can no longer in in or out of mine . Unfortunately I can not afford to get one on my own . Thank you for any information that will help.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Margaret
9 months ago

Hi Margaret,

There are several grants, programs, and resources that can help you obtain a walk-in tub, especially if you have a disability and are facing financial constraints. Here are some potential sources of assistance:

(1) Veterans Affairs (VA) Benefits: If you are a veteran, the VA offers several programs that can help with home modifications, such as the Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) grant, the Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) grant, and the Home Improvements and Structural Alterations (HISA) grant.

(2) National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a): Local agencies may have programs or partnerships that provide assistance for home modifications.

(3) The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Grants: If you live in a rural area, you might be eligible for a grant or loan through the USDA’s Section 504 Home Repair program.

I hope you find this information useful.

Kenn Apel
Kenn Apel
9 months ago

Seeking funding to help create a pathway to the beach. Already awarded a grant for Mobi-Mats. However, cost to clear path is more than we thought it would be.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Kenn Apel
9 months ago

Hi Kenn,

It sounds like you’re working on an important project to improve accessibility to the beach, which is fantastic. To seek additional funding for clearing the path, try to contact your local government, city council, or relevant agencies responsible for beach maintenance and accessibility. They may have funds allocated for community improvement projects or accessibility initiatives or you may research for nonprofit organizations that focus on accessibility, outdoor recreation, or environmental conservation. Many nonprofits offer grants or funding opportunities for projects that enhance accessibility to natural environments like beaches.

I hope you achieve your goal of enhancing beach accessibility for everyone in your community!

8 months ago

We are at a large state institution that meets code. But our department wanted to serve the students in our major better and we don’t have the departmental budget to do more. Can a department within a larger institution apply for these grants for accessibility improvements?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Kate
6 months ago

Hi Kate,

Yes, departments within larger institutions can usually apply for grants focused on accessibility improvements, particularly if your proposal matches the grant’s goals. Be sure to review each grant’s eligibility criteria, as some may need applications to be submitted at the institutional level.

It’s a good idea to consult with your administration. Talk to your department chair or relevant staff about the possibility of applying for grants; they may have valuable insights or support for your initiative.

8 months ago

Are there any grants for a small business to construct an ADA compliant handrail? If so please guide me to that site for the application . Thank you.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Diana
8 months ago

Hi Diana,

There are grants and funding options available for small businesses to construct ADA-compliant handrails and make other accessibility improvements. Here are some resources you can explore. Try some local governments that have funding programs to help small businesses comply with ADA regulations. Contact your local city or county government for more information. There are also some nonprofit organizations that provide grants to help businesses improve accessibility.

I hope this information is helpful!

William Child
William Child
8 months ago

Where do I get started? My church wants to build a ramp and or fix our lift. This life breaks down every other month and the company that repairs it is slow .A ramp won’t break down.. I need some advice . thanks

Will Child

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  William Child
8 months ago

Hi Will,

To get started on building a ramp or fixing the lift at your church, try exploring funding options. I suggest looking for grants and financial assistance programs for accessibility improvements. Some potential sources include local government programs, nonprofit organizations, and religious institutions.

Hope this information will be helpful.

8 months ago

How do we apply for a grant to get wheelchair mats for our beach clubhouse?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Dana
6 months ago

Hi Dana,

To apply for a grant for wheelchair mats for your beach clubhouse, consider reaching out to organizations such as the National Disability Rights Network or local disability advocacy groups. They may offer grants or have information on funding opportunities. Hope this helps.

7 months ago

I’m researching grants to help with community development of handicap accessible facilities. Specifically, automatic door, handicap bathrooms, etc. Any suggestions on where I can start

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Emily
4 months ago

Hi Emily,

Exploring grants for community development that enhances handicap accessibility is an excellent initiative. Consider checking your state’s housing or development agency for local grant programs designed to improve community infrastructure. Additionally, some companies provide grants or sponsorships for community projects, so look into local businesses that focus on community engagement. You can also utilize platforms like, Foundation Center, or Guidestar to find specific grants for accessibility projects.

Laura Lengel
Laura Lengel
7 months ago

I am a 100% disabled permanent/total veteran. I volunteer at a non-profit veteran organization that serves and assists other veterans. I am researching how the center could obtain a grant to get handicap doors with the blue button to open/close the doors. This is a research mission for information. Any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. The Warrior Healing Center is a non-profit 501 3c. Respectfully, Laura Lengel

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Laura Lengel
7 months ago

Hi Laura,

It’s wonderful to see your commitment to helping other veterans. Securing a grant for handicap-accessible doors is a commendable goal. You might start by exploring potential grant sources like the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which sometimes provides funding to organizations that assist veterans. Be sure to visit their website to find grant opportunities focused on accessibility enhancements.

Teri (treasurer)
Teri (treasurer)
7 months ago

The local Senior Center wants to install an automatic door opener for handicapped members that have asked, and we cannot afford it. Are there funding options for this to happen

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Teri (treasurer)
7 months ago

Hi Teri,

Installing an automatic door opener to improve accessibility at a senior center is a valuable investment, and there are several funding options you can explore to support this initiative. Try to reach out to Administration for Community Living (ACL), they offer grants to support older adults and people with disabilities. Check their Grants page for relevant funding opportunities. Also, try reaching out to Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as they provide grants for accessibility improvements through their Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program.

Hope the above information is useful. Thanks.

Chris Nelson
Chris Nelson
7 months ago

Looking for a grant to kickstart a more adaptive way for bowling

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Chris Nelson
7 months ago

Hi Chris,

That sounds like an exciting project! To kickstart an adaptive bowling initiative, you might consider grants aimed at improving the lives of individuals with disabilities could be relevant. The Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, The Arc, and the National Organization on Disability offer funding for projects that increase accessibility and inclusion.Good luck with your adaptive bowling initiative!

Tony Mandino
Tony Mandino
6 months ago

Hello I work for a school district and I’m looking for information on where I can find a ADA grant for a small elevator. We have a student that is challenged. The student would like to join our band next year, but our band room is down stairs. At is time there is no access. Any information I can get would be very helpful. Thank you

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Tony Mandino
6 months ago

Hi Tony,

It’s wonderful that you’re working to improve accessibility at your school. Consider reaching out to various potential sources for funding an ADA-compliant elevator. For example, check with your state’s Department of Education or State Board of Education for state-level grants or funding programs aimed at enhancing school accessibility. Additionally, look into non-profit organizations like the ADA National Network, which offers resources and guidance on potential funding opportunities for ADA compliance. Hope this is helpful.

6 months ago

We are a non profit that currently operates a community garden. We are looking to improve accessibility of the space by redoing the layout, spreading gravel, and installing higher beds. Are there grants that will fund the cost of equipment rentals and materials?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Erin
6 months ago

Hi Erin,

There are various grants and funding opportunities available to help enhance the accessibility of your community garden, including covering equipment rentals and materials. Consider exploring these potential sources. For instance, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) offers grants for projects that enhance outdoor recreational facilities, and some state programs under LWCF may support garden improvements.

Kerry Bringhurst
Kerry Bringhurst
6 months ago

I manage a non-profit public radio station focusing on making our audio content more accessible through transcription services and captions. Are there grants to help support non-profits cover the costs of hiring additional staff or paying for transcription services?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Kerry Bringhurst
6 months ago

Hi Kerry,

There are various grant opportunities and funding sources for non-profits dedicated to accessibility and media. One potential option is the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), which offers funding for projects that enhance access to cultural content. They have specific grants available for digital humanities and media preservation, which could be a good fit for your transcription requirements. Hope this information helps.

Anthony Wassil
Anthony Wassil
6 months ago

I need funding to be able to produce my invention, which is patented what it does is it makes it so that people that do not belong in handicap parking spots cannot park there they will be ticketed or towed. The police will have an app on their systems so that when The device detects somebody that is there that’s not supposed to be there they can go and they can take ticket them.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Anthony Wassil
6 months ago

Hi Anthony,

That sounds like a creative solution to a widespread issue! Consider creating a detailed business plan that explains your invention, its market opportunities, functionality, and financial forecasts. This will help you make a compelling case to potential investors.

Elaine Comarella
Elaine Comarella
5 months ago

We are a Lighthouse and Museum looking for funding to put in an ADA-compliant ramp for people to get into the Museum. Our current ramp is old, falling apart and not ADA compliant as to width and grade.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Elaine Comarella
5 months ago

Hi Elaine,

That sounds like a valuable project! To obtain funding for an ADA-compliant ramp for your lighthouse and museum, consider seeking grants focused on accessibility improvements, historic preservation, or community development. Organizations such as the National Park Service or local foundations might offer relevant funding opportunities.

5 months ago

Our non-profit organization historical campus wants to add handicapped bathrooms to our pavilion and also ramps to three of our historic buildings. Does anyone know of a grant that would help with the cost?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Bev
5 months ago

Hi Bev,

Explore potential grant options and resources to fund the installation of accessible bathrooms and ramps for your historic campus. Consult your state’s historical preservation office and local government agencies for grants designed to improve accessibility in historic buildings. Additionally, seek out organizations and foundations that promote accessibility in public spaces, particularly those that offer grants for ADA compliance projects. You might also consider starting a crowdfunding campaign to gather community support, highlighting the significance of accessibility for your historic site.

5 months ago

We are a non profit organization in a historic building seeking access to fund to make our second floor and or basement wheelchair accessible. Likely Solution will need to be an external chair lift. Thanks in advanced.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Matt
5 months ago

Hi Matt,

You may want to search for grants targeted at nonprofit organizations or accessibility improvements. The National Trust for Historic Preservation offers grants for historic preservation projects that could include accessibility upgrades. Additionally, consider starting a fundraising campaign, either online (like GoFundMe) or through community events, and emphasize the importance of accessibility for both your organization and the community.

Misty Steers
Misty Steers
4 months ago

Looking for unclaimed money

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Misty Steers
4 months ago

Hi Misty,

If you’re looking for unclaimed money, you can check The U.S. Treasury’s website, which offers tools to search for lost bonds.

4 months ago

I have a small business that operates out of our home and the building inspector has given me 90 day to become ADA compliant I need to hear about any grants that could help
Thank You

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Rusty
4 months ago

Hi Rusty,

To meet your 90-day ADA compliance deadline, there are several grants and resources to help fund accessibility improvements for your business. The Department of Justice offers grants for removing architectural barriers, and many state and local governments provide grants or low-interest loans for ADA upgrades. Contact your state’s Small Business Administration or local chamber of commerce to explore available programs in your area.

4 months ago

We are a 501c3 and want to make 2 bathrooms in our 1907 historic township hall.
Where could we apply for a grant to help us with funding this project. Thank you, Margee

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Margee
4 months ago

Hi Margee,

It’s fantastic that your 501(c)(3) organization is focused on improving accessibility and upgrading the facilities at your historic township hall. Securing funding for this project can significantly enhance the space and make it more inviting for the community. The National Trust for Historic Preservation offers various grants aimed at preserving historic properties, and if your township hall is listed on the National Register of Historic Places—or has historical significance—it could be an excellent fit for their funding.

4 months ago

My synagogue needs an elevator so it can be accessible to handicap members. I have not gotten quotes yet. Are there grants to do this type of service? I am new to seeking money for anything for the temple but I can start now if there is money to be obtained!

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Carol
4 months ago

Hi Carol,

There are funding opportunities available to help make synagogues more accessible, including grants from federal and state programs for accessibility upgrades. While there are no specific “ADA compliance grants” for religious buildings, crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe or Fundly can also be effective for raising money from your congregation and community for projects like installing an elevator.

Suzanne Messier
Suzanne Messier
4 months ago

Looking for a grant to help our school update our bleachers to be ADA compliant. Any way to get help financially to make this happen?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Suzanne Messier
4 months ago

Hi Suzanne,

That’s a great initiative! To secure funding for ADA-compliant bleachers, consider applying for grants from private foundations, local organizations, or community groups that support accessibility projects. You can also check with your school district to see if they have funds available for facility upgrades or ADA compliance.

Dana R Zeigler
Dana R Zeigler
4 months ago

Hi, I am looking for a grant for my childcare center. We need to add a concrete ramp in our alley for strollers and wheelchair access. Also, we would like to add a bathroom with railings and access for all.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Dana R Zeigler
4 months ago

Hi Dana,

It’s great that you’re working to make your childcare center more accessible! There are several grant opportunities, including Federal Preschool Development Grants from the U.S. Department of Education, which aim to improve early childhood programs and accessibility. These grants may support facility upgrades like ramps and bathrooms. Partnering with local organizations or government agencies can also boost your chances of securing funding, especially if the project benefits the community.

3 months ago

Are there resources for religious institutions for handicapped access?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Michael
3 months ago

Hi Michael,

Yes, there are resources to help religious institutions improve accessibility for people with disabilities. Many countries offer grants or funding for places of worship to make their buildings more accessible. In the U.S., for example, the ADA Accessibility Grants can support churches with this. Nonprofits like Easterseals and the National Council on Independent Living also provide advice, funding, and services to help make these necessary changes. Hope this information helps.

The Accessibility Checker team

Autumn Haworth
Autumn Haworth
3 months ago

Hello. We are a small Early Childhood Center that is part of a University in NM. We are looking for grant money to help us make our children’s playground handicapped accessible with ramps and appropriate playground equipment. Any information would be appreciated.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Autumn Haworth
3 months ago

Hi Autumn,

It’s great that you’re working to make your playground more accessible! There are several grants that might help fund the project. The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) offers funding for early childhood programs, including those focused on inclusion, and some grants may cover infrastructure improvements like accessible playgrounds. The New Mexico Department of Health also has funding for community programs supporting people with disabilities, so it’s worth checking with them to see if any grants could assist with your project. This should help

Orin McCoy
Orin McCoy
3 months ago

Hello, I attend 8th grade at Lincoln Middle School and I was wondering about funding for wheel chair access in schools.

Do you have to submit a grant or talk to the district?

We have one kid at our school who is in a wheelchair and it is really frustrating because he can’t do theater or be on the stage for choir, etc.

Although he has not voiced these needs because he doesn’t take choir or theater, the student council did plan an event on the stage and now he has to go at a separate time, not on the stage.

It is hard because I know how not included he must feel.

Anyway, just wondering.
Thank you.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Orin McCoy
3 months ago

Hi Orin,

It’s great you’re advocating for accessibility! Funding for wheelchair access often comes from school districts, grants, or fundraising. Start by talking to school administrators or district representatives to discuss making the stage more accessible. If needed, a grant could help fund the changes. Involving the student council in the effort could also bring attention to the issue and help improve inclusivity.