Unlocking Opportunities: Grants for People with Disabilities

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According to the Pew Research Center, there are roughly 42.5 million people living with disabilities in the United States, making grants an essential requirement.

However, finding grants for disabled adults can be a challenge, which is why we created this essential guide. 

Below, you will find a comprehensive list of both public and private disability grants available in the United States to help you lead a more supported and fulfilling life.

Public Grants for Individuals with Disabilities 

Public grants are funded by a federal, state, or another publicly funded agency. Here are some of the top public disability grants that are currently available in the U.S.

Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits (SSDI) 

This federal grant program is designed to assist people living with a physical, emotional, or mental disability that lasts 12 months or longer or ultimately results in loss of life. The U.S. Social Security Administration uses these funds to assist with living expenses, prescription medications, and more. The SSDI also assists families with children who meet the Social Security Administration’s definition of disabled. Some of the qualifying disabilities include autism, visual impairment, cerebral palsy, and down syndrome. 

Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

The SSI is another free government grant fund for low-income disabled Americans who are unable to work. Before funds are paid out for various bills and basic needs, screenings take place to identify whether the disability is short-term, partial, or total disability. 

Section 811 Supportive Housing Grant Program for Persons with Disabilities 

Specifically created for rent and housing requirements, this grant program is made available by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Along with supportive services, these funds are also used towards the development of new homes that benefit the disabled community. 

Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act

The ABLE Act of 2014 makes it possible for states to create savings programs for people living with disabilities. Deposits into these savings accounts can be made by family, friends, or any other individuals. These funds are not taxed and can be used to pay toward qualified disability expenses. 


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Federal Special Education Entitlement Grant provides funds to disabled students, ensuring they receive a free public education that matches their specific requirements. IDEA also assists states and educational service agencies in providing for the needs of differently-abled students. 

Federal Student Aid Programs

There are currently several programs administered by the U.S. Department of Education that provide billions of dollars to students with disabilities looking to attend postsecondary schools. Many grants don’t even need to be repaid. There are also a number of campus-based programs available from participating schools.  


Government grants for mobility scooters are available through Medicare. All that’s required is a prescription from a medical professional stating the need for mobility equipment in accomplishing daily tasks. Medicare is able to cover up to 80% of the total cost of the equipment. 


This insurance program is funded by the state and is designed to contribute toward medical services for low-income, disabled, and senior citizens in the United States. Qualifying criteria differ between states, but someone’s ability to engage in daily activities will always be reviewed first. 

Autistic People of Color Fund

Autistic people of color who require financial support can access individual microgrants of between $100 and $500 through this fund. An autistic person of color is anyone who is non-white, black, Asian, or an ethnic minority. 

Specially Adapted Housing Program

SAH offers housing grants to Veterans and service members with disabilities, making it possible for them to purchase or alter a home to meet their specific needs. This could involve the installment of ramps or widening doorways to allow for wheelchair access and greater independence overall. 

For more information on public grants for disabled individuals, you can visit the Grant Watch website.

Private Grants for Individuals with Disabilities 

Private grants for disabled adults and children are privately funded by businesses and organizations. Here are some of the top private grants that are currently available in the United States.

Friends of Disabled Adults and Children (FODAC)

FODAC provides refurbished equipment such as wheelchairs to people with disabilities, helping them better their quality of life. This is made possible through a network of partners, volunteers, and donors. 

Byron Riesch Paralysis Foundation

This organization’s main objective is to find a cure for paralysis, but in the meantime, they provide assistance to those living with neurological disorders. To make it easier to perform daily tasks such as bathing, the Byron Riesch Paralysis Foundation provides people with adaptive equipment for their homes. Scholarships are also available to people struggling with neurological disorders. 

I Got Legs Foundation

U.S. residents with a permanent physical disability can apply for a grant through the I Got Legs Foundation. To qualify, there needs to be proof of financial aid and specific medical documentation. Preference is given to individuals in need of prosthetic treatment or adaptive technologies. Grants can also be used towards home modifications such as the installation of ramps and lifts. 

Elderly or Disabled Living

This particular grant is for low-income elderly and disabled people living in the United States. People over the age of 55 who meet the necessary criteria are eligible for this grant, including those who are determined to be disabled by the federal government. Funds can be used toward bills, health insurance, car repayments, mortgage payments, and more. 

Chanda Center for Health

With the help of therapies, the Chanda Foundation is helping people with physical disabilities to improve their quality of life. Therapies include massage, exercise, chiropractors, acupuncture, and yoga. The center provides access to integrative treatments at its Lakewood facility through disability-competent providers and community partners.

Wheels of Happiness

To help people with disabilities gain more independence, Wheels of Happiness provides medical equipment and supplies, psychological assistance, and general inspiration. All of this is made possible through corporate funding, individual donors, and fundraising events. 

High Fives Non-Profit Foundation

Injuries such as amputation and spinal and brain injuries can be life-altering, which is where High Fives comes in. Individuals who were injured during an adventure sport or inertia-based accident are able to apply for a grant that will help them regain some of their independence. 

Joseph Groh Foundation

This particular grant is for individuals working in construction who sustained serious injury and/or a disability. Grants from the Joseph Groh Foundation can be used to pay for medical equipment as well as home medications such as remodeling for wheelchair access or the construction of ramps and lifts. 

State-Specific Programs & Grants for Disabled Individuals

California Department of Healthcare Services

California’s Department of Healthcare Services currently offers a number of programs that are designed to support and aid the disabled community, including in-home supportive services, home and community-based services, a genetically handicapped persons program, and an assisted living waiver.

Texas In-Home and Family Support Program

This program currently supports individuals who are four years and older and are living with a physical disability. This includes individuals who acquired a disability due to age or because of a medical condition. Grants of up to $3,600 are available per year and can be used toward equipment, minor home modifications, and other disability-related services. 

Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services

To provide disabled people in Montana with equal access to a fulfilling life, the Department of Public Health and Human Services is involved in a number of support programs, including the developmental disabilities program, pre-employment transition services, and statewide independent living services.

Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS), State of Connecticut

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services and the Rehabilitation Services Administration, BRS aids the disabled with sourcing and maintaining employment. Grants are also offered to those who require special transportation and other support to get to and from work. 

The Assistive Technology Program of Colorado 

Disabled individuals living in Colorado who need access to assistive technology devices such as communication tools, hearing aids, and wheelchairs may be eligible for funding through the Assistive Technology Program of Colorado. 

Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority

The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority focuses on awarding mini-grants of up to $2,500 per beneficiary depending on their requirements. However, it should be noted that these grants are awarded to an agency on behalf of a beneficiary. 

Final Words

An abundance of financial and other support is readily available to U.S. citizens living with disabilities, ensuring they have equal access to education and work opportunities and can lead a normal life. Assistance is also readily available to those who are feeling nervous or confused about applying for grants for people with disabilities, it’s just a case of reaching out. 


A disability loan can be a personal, mortgage, or auto loan, however, special loan programs are also available. These funds can be used to pay for living expenses or purchase equipment such as wheelchairs, ramps, and mobility scooters. Most disability loans can be used to supplement disability benefits. 


How we reviewed this article
  1. Current version
  2. Modified July 19, 2024

    What we changed

    Disability grants were added

  3. Modified February 24, 2024

    What we changed

    Article was reviewed by an expert

  4. First Draft of the Article October 23, 2023
I have been helping global businesses bring their brands to life online for over 14 years now and I still love it! I am particularly passionate about ensuring online content is accessible to everyone. I’ve spent years learning as much as possible about web accessibility, ensuring I can educate others on its importance no matter what sector they are in.

Danny Trichter is a dedicated researcher specializing in digital accessibility, ensuring that websites and digital platforms are usable by everyone, including those with disabilities. Beyond his professional pursuits, Danny enjoys exploring new destinations, sharing his travel experiences on his blog, and discovering hidden gems in Thailand where he currently resides. In his leisure time, he loves hiking, connecting with nature, and capturing the beauty of the world through his camera lens


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Ernest Edwards
Ernest Edwards
1 year ago

Looking for a business grant

dj seber
dj seber
Reply to  Ernest Edwards
5 months ago

I am also looking for a business grant for my startup. I have multiple disabilities but I don’t let that keep me from living, dreaming, and executing

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  dj seber
4 months ago

Hi DJ,

It’s inspiring to see your commitment to chasing your dreams despite the obstacles! Reach out to your local SBA office for details on grants and programs for new businesses. Additionally, organizations such as the RAMP (Realizing Accelerated Market Potential) program and the Disability Opportunity Fund offer assistance to entrepreneurs with disabilities. Don’t forget to explore grants available from your state or local government that target small businesses or startups.

Eddie Sykes
Eddie Sykes
Reply to  dj seber
3 months ago

I would love to start apairy but no money

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Eddie Sykes
3 months ago

Hi Eddie,

Starting an apiary can be rewarding, even with limited funds. Begin with honey production or pollination services for local farms. This allows you to start small, grow your business, and generate income before scaling up. With some creativity and resourcefulness, you can start your beekeeping journey without a large upfront investment.

Ariel Cornejo
Ariel Cornejo
Reply to  Ernest Edwards
3 months ago

Looking for grant for clothes and shoes and money please

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Ariel Cornejo
3 months ago

Hi Ariel,

For financial help with clothes, shoes, or essentials, consider government programs like Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

1 year ago

I need to redo my bathroom

1 year ago

I hope to continue to provide everything that I’ve given to society before my disability including love, humor, advice, humor and other support while seeing my understanding family grow with programs available to those like me. I have had extensive legal and literary careers and feel those would benefit those in a position or less mobile than me. Feel free to correct my grammar–that is nothing new! All best to you: “I am not a robot.”

Reply to  [email protected]
1 year ago

How would I apply to build an earthship sustainable house

Sidney Banks
Sidney Banks
Reply to  [email protected]
10 months ago

I am residing in Hyattsville Maryland. I am trying to get financial aid to allow me access to a home. I am in a wheelchair and need ramps and lifts. I will eventually need a vehicle to return to work. I am a father who still has school aged children.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Sidney Banks
8 months ago

Hi Sidney,

Securing financial aid for accessible housing and transportation can be a complex process, but there are numerous resources and programs available to help you in Hyattsville, Maryland. You can try to contact HUD’s Section 504 Home Repair Program. They provideloans and grants to low-income homeowners to repair, improve, or modernize their homes, including making them accessible.

Hope this information will help.

Phyllis Raphael
Phyllis Raphael
Reply to  Tina Doms
6 months ago

E-Mail at [email protected]
Sign Need to breath!

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Phyllis Raphael
6 months ago

Hi Phyllis,

I’m sorry to hear about your situation. Consider reaching out to organizations like Habitat for Humanity’s Home Repair program or local community action agencies, which might provide help with home repairs. Additionally, you can call 211, a nationwide service that connects you with local resources for various needs, including home repairs.

1 year ago

I need my bathroom up dated.also the fuse box keeps blowing breakers. The floor is soft in some places. I am 70 years old. Do not have a running car. Please try to help me.

Mark Stevens
Mark Stevens
1 year ago

I need to finish paying my house off it has to be paidboff by Feb due to he land contract I don have much more on it is there any programs for that?

suzanne carlsom
suzanne carlsom
1 year ago

looking for land and modelar house need improvements due to being handicapped

Pablo Briseno Jr.
Pablo Briseno Jr.
1 year ago

How do I qualify for a grant I’m a senior citizen and I’m disabled

Sherry Yoder
Sherry Yoder
Reply to  Pablo Briseno Jr.
10 months ago

I am looking for assistance as well as I am an elderly woman disabled with Myasthenia Gravis for 10 years and am getting weaker and now need to be put into a wheelchair. Looking for assistance for wheelchair accessible van.

Danny Trichter
Danny Trichter
Reply to  Sherry Yoder
10 months ago

Thank you for reaching out with your needs. I recommend contacting local non-profit organizations and exploring government assistance programs, as they often provide grants or financial aid for acquiring wheelchair-accessible vehicles.

Ray Smaltz
Ray Smaltz
1 year ago

I’m looking for a grant in Michigan

1 year ago

I would like to have enough for deposit and first months rent to move into my own accessible home, where my cats can roam freely.

1 year ago

I have a disabled husband I need money please help me

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Ndesh
3 months ago

Hi Ndesh,

I’m sorry you’re facing this challenge. Caring for a disabled spouse while managing finances can be tough. There are several options for assistance, including government programs, caregiver support, nonprofit resources, crowdfunding, emergency help, work-from-home jobs, and financial counseling.If your husband’s disability qualifies, he may be eligible for SSI, which provides financial assistance for those with limited income and resources. You may also be eligible for benefits based on his disability if you’re a caregiver.

Debra Haynes
Debra Haynes
1 year ago

Need funds for a van to fix up and mobilize for my disability

Shanna Stephens
Shanna Stephens
1 year ago

I am looking for help or guidance in getting financial help for building my husband a ramp and entrance way into our home. He is 65 and has been on ssdi for a few years now. But like all as we get up in years our health goes down hill. So with his many existing health issues he got senior age health issues on top of it. He is using a walker for most the day events but some days he uses a wheel chair. But it useless to get in or out of our house with. I fear if an emergency happened and he had no way to get away from it what could happen. Or winter months he well never get in or out on his own even with the walker. So I have a sub contractor and 2 sons that volunteered to build the 2 entry ways to make both doors accessible for him and it would make it safe for him or for us to help him in or out as well. But we have to pay for materials our selves. Month to month income leaves us with little to no money after paying monthly expenses. And also help getting our car fixed and safe to drive to his doctor appointments it needs a couple small repairs done to it and some normal up keep and maintenance things to make it more reliable and road worthy and economical do better all around.

1 year ago

My name is Margaret from Botswana Southern Africa, and currently residing in my home country Botswana. I have in the past organized sports tournaments, especially netball, emphasis being to empower the youth through sports and at the same time giving food hampers and toiletries to our less privileged members of our communities. This is when i realised that amongst our communities we have young mothers with disabled children. These children are school.going children, but unfortunately they cannot go to school, they cannot talk nor walk, and did not undergo therapy. Their mothers go through so.much because they ended up being grounded by the conditions of their children, no further career even a relationship. My mandatevis now to empower them with projects to sustain themselves, at the same time taking care of their children with these complex conditions.
Thank you.

1 year ago

I need so many repairs in mour home. My husband is only able to use his left arm. Has had 4 major back surgeries. I have had 5 levels in my neck done because if deteriorating disc and 2 lower back surgeries. I have seizures. We need water fixed, floors, ceilings, back door, and insulation done. We have no vehicle.

Sheila Giugliano
Sheila Giugliano
11 months ago

I have COPDMS substance abuse problem I’m retired from work I’m 62 and I’d like to see that opening business if there’s any grants or monies for me what my money goes to doctors I need something to sustain myself

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Sheila Giugliano
9 months ago

Hi Sheila,

There are several resources and programs you can explore to find grants and funding opportunities for starting a business, especially considering your health and financial situation. You can check some Government Grants and Programs, like the Small Business Administration (SBA), which offers various grants and funding programs for small businesses. Check out the SBA’s website for programs like the Microloan Program, which provides small loans for startups and small businesses.

Hope this works for you.

Michael walter
Michael walter
11 months ago

Looking for a grant to purchase a home

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Michael walter
9 months ago

Hi Michael,

There are several resources and programs you can explore if you’re looking for grants to help you purchase a home. You may check with USDA Rural Development, which provides grants and loans to assist with the purchase of homes in rural areas. Check the USDA website to see if you qualify.

There are also Non-Profit Organizations that help low-income families build and purchase homes through sweat equity and affordable mortgages like Habitat for Humanity.

I hope you find this information useful.

Kristi Schutz
Kristi Schutz
11 months ago

Hello, are there any loans available to help legally blind?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Kristi Schutz
8 months ago

Hi Kristi,

There are various loan programs and financial assistance options available specifically to help legally blind individuals. These can include personal loans, housing assistance, and specialized grants. You can try some Loan Programs, such as Microloans. Some organizations offer microloans to legally blind individuals to start or grow a small business.

Hope this helps. Thanks.

Tina Hillman
Tina Hillman
Reply to  Kristi Schutz
6 months ago

I’m legally blind myself due to multiple sclerosis. I have brain lesions. I would like to start my home job in my crafting. I need a laptop to see bigger words and I have internet.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Tina Hillman
6 months ago

Hi Tina,

Considering your situation, launching a home-based crafting business seems like a great plan. Begin by seeking out grants or financial assistance designed for individuals with disabilities who are starting a home-based venture. Organizations such as the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation or Easterseals may provide relevant support.

11 months ago

Where do I get information about a disability loan?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Anissa
9 months ago

Hi Anissa,

Hope all is well. To obtain information about disability loans, you may consider Social Security Administration (SSA) which Provides information on disability benefits such as SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) and SSI (Supplemental Security Income). You can visit the SSA website or contact them directly. You may also try some Banks and Credit Unions as some offer loans specifically tailored for individuals with disabilities.

Hope this works for you.

Cheryl Brink
Cheryl Brink
10 months ago

I’m mentally ill very badly I need a new home I need a grant or a government loan

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Cheryl Brink
5 months ago

Hi Cheryl,

I’m truly sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way. Consider contacting Housing Assistance Programs. Look into local and state programs that provide grants or low-interest loans for those facing mental health challenges. Additionally, seek out organizations that offer supportive housing specifically for individuals with mental illness, as they often provide valuable resources and assistance.

Cheryl Brink
Cheryl Brink
10 months ago

I need a 3bedroom2bath saylorsburg area zip code 18353 and a car I can’t afford to buy one can some one help me I’m on SSI and I only get,$930 a month I need help fixing up my home if I can in stead of buying a new home but it’s to cold and nasty up here I need to move this place needs to much work

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Cheryl Brink
9 months ago

Hi Cheryl,

I understand. Here are some quick steps to get help:

(1) Housing – HUD: Apply for Section 8 or public housing at HUD.

(2) Car – Free Charity Cars: Apply at Free Charity Cars or 1-800-Charity Cars.

(3) Home Repairs – Habitat for Humanity: Contact your local branch at Habitat for Humanity of Monroe County.

(4) Financial Assistance – Community Action: Find help at Community Action Partnership.

These resources should help you get the assistance you need.

10 months ago

I need a bathroom upgrade so I can get in shower. Been on SSDI since 2010. I can’t even afford a special medicine. Who can help? My husband is 20 years older and can’t hardly get in the shower either. He is 81. I’m 64. I was injured by a Dr. (spinal cord) he told me it would go away. I believed him back in 1998!

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Deborah
5 months ago

Hi Deborah,

I’m really sorry to hear about your circumstances. You might want to contact local nonprofits; organizations like Habitat for Humanity frequently provide home modifications for low-income individuals with disabilities.

Additionally, consider exploring government assistance programs, such as the Section 504 Home Repair Program, which offers funding for home modifications for people with disabilities.

Carolyn Baker
Carolyn Baker
10 months ago

I need to have a new roof for my home. My husband has to take care of me daily so he can’t go back to work and earn the funds needed. Any help would be appreciated. Thankyou

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Carolyn Baker
8 months ago

Hi Carolyn,

Securing funds for a new roof, especially given your family’s circumstances, can be challenging but not impossible. There are several programs and resources available that might be able to help you with home repairs, including roofing. You may want to reach out to some State and Local programs like Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD). They have the Single Family Housing Rehabilitation Program which provides deferred loans for rehabilitation, including roof repairs, to low-income homeowners.

Hope this information helps. Good luck!

Bari L Clagg
Bari L Clagg
10 months ago

I’m 59 and disabled and my mother is 85. We need 2 porches and two ramps. Our steps are falling through. The porches are no better. We really need help. We can’t afford the lumber, much less the labor. Thank you in advance for any information available.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Bari L Clagg
9 months ago

Hi Bari,

To get help for porch and ramp repairs try the following resources:

(1) Rebuilding Together: Free home repairs for low-income homeowners (rebuildingtogether.org).
(2) Habitat for Humanity: Home repair services (habitat.org).
(3) Area Agency on Aging (AAA): Assistance programs for seniors (aging.maryland.gov).
(4) MD Technology Assistance Program (MDTAP): Financial help for accessibility (mdod.maryland.gov).
(5) Local Churches and Community Organizations: Volunteer repair services.
(6) Crowdfunding: Raise funds on GoFundMe.

Contact these organizations, gather necessary documentation, and apply for assistance.

James Caffey
James Caffey
10 months ago

I just need a little more money, For food, and home care products….$500.00 is all I need a month

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  James Caffey
8 months ago

Hi James,

Given your immediate need for financial assistance, especially for basic necessities like food and home care products, here are some resources that might help. Try reaching out to NGOs, as many international organizations provide direct support to individuals in developing countries. You may also consider online crowdfunding platforms like GoFundMe. Create a campaign explaining your situation and share it with a wider audience. Sometimes, international donors are willing to help.

Hope this helps.

Sidney Banks
Sidney Banks
10 months ago

I am in a wheelchair and recide in Hyattsville Maryland. I am seeking financial aid to make my home accessable. I am destitute. I need ramps and lifts.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Sidney Banks
9 months ago

Hi Sidney,

Please try the following resources to get financial aid for home accessibility in Hyattsville, Maryland:

(1) MD Technology Assistance Program (MDTAP): Visit MDTAP.
(2) Rebuilding Together: Home modifications for low-income homeowners (rebuildingtogether.org).
(3) Maryland Dept. of Disabilities: Check for state-specific grants (mdod.maryland.gov).
(4) USDA Rural Development: Grants/loans for rural home modifications (rd.usda.gov).
(5) Modest Needs: Grants for emergency needs (modestneeds.org).
(6) United Way: Local resources and assistance (unitedway.org).

Gather documentation, apply to multiple programs, and seek local support.

10 months ago

Looking for grant mobility as I’m on social security, widowed ,& supporting 3 people. I’ve been on disability younger & am 73 now- senior female, disability proved years ago…get social security today & like to get grant to help buy better car, lower mileage etc ..I can barely walk any longer today?!

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Lorraine
9 months ago

Hi Lorraine,

For obtaining grants or assistance to purchase a more reliable car given your situation, here are some key resources and steps to explore:

1. Government Programs: Social Security Administration (SSA)- While SSA benefits don’t directly cover car purchases, you can inquire about any additional assistance programs you might qualify for by calling 1-800-772-1213 or visiting ssa.gov.

2. State and Local Assistance Programs: Department of Aging – Your local or state Department of Aging might offer programs for transportation assistance.

3. Non-Profit Organizations: Modest Needs- Provides grants to low-income individuals for specific needs. Visit modestneeds.org.

I hope you find this information useful.

Krystal Downs
Krystal Downs
10 months ago

I an on disability and my rent didn’t get paid.I need $1,659.80.$2,000.00 would be nice,

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Krystal Downs
9 months ago

Hi Krystal,

To secure $2,000 for rent:

– Emergency Assistance: Contact local social services and nonprofits like Salvation Army and Catholic Charities.
– Rental Assistance: Apply for HUD’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP).
– Crowdfunding: Start a GoFundMe campaign.
– Community Help: Reach out to local churches and call 211 for local resources.

These steps should help you find the necessary funds.

10 months ago

How can I find a grant/ funding for someone (late 20’s with CP) that needs an outdoor wheelchair platform lift? Thank you in advance!

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Janet
9 months ago

Hi Janet,

Finding grants or funding for an outdoor wheelchair platform lift can involve exploring several resources and programs that support individuals with disabilities. Here are some options to consider:

(1) State Assistive Technology Programs – Each state has an assistive technology program that may offer financial assistance or low-interest loans for devices and modifications.

(2) United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) – Provides resources and support for individuals with cerebral palsy. They may offer grants or connect you with funding sources.

(3) The Travis Roy Foundation – Offers Quality of Life Grants to individuals with spinal cord injuries, which can include funding for home modifications.

Let me know if you need more help.

Edna Francisco
Edna Francisco
10 months ago

My son had post polio using crutches and wheelchair . He needs a lift to be able to go up and down in our two story house and .our bathroom is not equipped to accommodate him in bathing . He is obese 57 years old . We , his parents both eighty years old are on SSS and don’t know any resources to help him . My husband had a stroke last month and also struggles to go up and down . We need help to find out ways we don’t know who ti call . Thank you

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Edna Francisco
9 months ago

Hi Edna,

Certainly! Here are some concise resources and steps to help:

1. Government Programs: Check SSI/SSDI and Medicare/Medicaid benefits. Call 1-800-772-1213 or visit ssa.gov.

2. Home Modification Grants/Loans
Medicaid HCBS: Contact your state Medicaid office.
VA: For veterans, contact the VA for assistance programs.

3. Non-Profits
Rebuilding Together: Offers home repair/modifications.
Habitat for Humanity: Local branches may help with accessibility modifications.

Let me know if you need more help.

10 months ago

I own a 2010 Chevy Malibu my granddaughter gave me.unfourtunatly it has 250,000 miles on it. I was needing small loan to try get something’s bf reliable. It is very important my situation is I am 64 disabled and taken bf care of my great niece that is 16 disabled and very high on Autism spectrum. So very difficult in useing public transportation. So any help and information greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Imy
9 months ago

For a small loan or financial assistance to get a more reliable vehicle, consider these options:

(1) Credit Unions: Often offer lower interest rates on personal loans.

(2) Online Lenders: Platforms like Upstart, LendingClub, and Prosper.

(3) Modest Needs: Provides short-term financial assistance.

(4) Community Action Agencies: Local assistance programs.

Prepare necessary documentation and contact these organizations to apply.

Nicole Stolz
Nicole Stolz
10 months ago

I am inquiring about a auto loan to fix my vehicle that I keep getting tickets on. I can’t find any place that helps.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Nicole Stolz
9 months ago

Hi Nicole,

For financial assistance to fix your vehicle, consider these options:

(1) Personal Loans: Apply through banks, credit unions, or online lenders.
(2) Credit Unions: Often offer lower interest rates on personal loans.
(3) Auto Repair Financing: Check if your mechanic offers payment plans.
(4) Non-Profit Organizations: Look into Modest Needs, Working Cars for Working Families, and local charities.
(5) Government Programs: Contact local agencies for potential assistance programs.
(6) Emergency Assistance: Explore funds from employers, unions, or professional associations.

Address tickets promptly to avoid extra fines, and consider DIY repairs for minor issues.

Belinda Coulter
Belinda Coulter
10 months ago

I’m in Russellville Arkansas and I’m disabled I live in a fifth wheel I’ve gotten to were I can barely get outside I’m loosing mobility in right arm and my left arm is following, my electric (wiring) Is in very bad shape, I don’t have a hot water heater I have stretched my SSDI check as far as I can my grocery allowance from insurance has gone from $180 and a 58 dollars change insurance companies and I’ll get $75 how many times I go hungry I just need a chance

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Belinda Coulter
10 months ago

Hi Belinda,

We suggest reaching out to local social services, faith-based organizations, nonprofits, government assistance programs, community outreach programs, or online platforms for crowdfunding and support. It’s important that you reach out to them and seek assistance as soon as possible to address your housing and mobility needs.

I hope you find these suggestions useful.

10 months ago

I’ve been disabled since 2006 and bedridden since 2017. I have Intractable Pain, constantly. I need a greatly improved quality of life. I only get $102/mo from SSI and DSHS. I can’t live like this. I lost my home & EVERYTHING! I need considerable financial help and greatly improved quality of life. I am 76. I lost my precious pet. I’m all alone in the world.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  susan
9 months ago

Hi Susan,

I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. Here are some steps and resources that may help improve your quality of life and provide financial assistance:

(1) Financial Assistance – Contact the Social Security Administration to see if you are receiving the maximum SSI benefits and if there are any additional benefits you qualify for.

(2) Medical and Pain Management like Medicaid: Ensure you are enrolled in Medicaid for comprehensive healthcare coverage. They may also cover additional services like home health care.

(3) Home Assistance and Living Conditions like In-Home Care Services – Look into Medicaid-funded in-home care services which can provide assistance with daily activities and improve your quality of life.

Taking these steps can help improve your situation and connect you with the resources you need to enhance your quality of life.

10 months ago

I need funding to pay to make my ONLY bathroom accessible. I can’t get in. I need help.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Jeannette
9 months ago

Hi Jeanette,

To get funding for making your bathroom accessible:

1. Medicaid HCBS Waivers: Contact your state’s Medicaid office.
2. State and Local Programs: Check with your local Area Agency on Aging.
3. VA Grants: If you’re a veteran, apply for SAH or HISA grants.
4. Nonprofits: Contact Rebuilding Together and Habitat for Humanity.
5. Federal Programs: Look into the Section 504 Home Repair Program.
6. Crowdfunding: Start a campaign on GoFundMe.
7. Local Organizations: Ask local churches and community groups for help.
8. Disability-Specific Organizations: Reach out to organizations related to your disability.

These steps should help you find the necessary funding.

Raegan zoch
Raegan zoch
10 months ago

I’m recovering from a brain injury and need money to get better and support my family

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Raegan zoch
9 months ago

Hi Raegan,

I’m sorry to hear about your situation. There are several resources and programs that might be able to help you secure financial support as you recover from a brain injury.

Here are some options to consider:

(1) Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI):

SSDI provides benefits to disabled individuals who have worked and paid into Social Security.
SSI provides financial assistance to disabled individuals with limited income and resources.

(2) Medicaid – Medicaid provides healthcare coverage to low-income individuals, which can help with medical expenses related to your injury.

(3) Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) – Provides resources and support for individuals with brain injuries and their families.

Let me know if you need more help.

Carolyn May
Carolyn May
10 months ago

I’m am needing help replacing our roof and due to our disability we need to replace our bathroom to a walk in shower with a seat accessible.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Carolyn May
9 months ago

Hi Carolyn,

I’m sorry to hear about your situation and I understand the importance of making your home safe and accessible. Here are some resources to help you with replacing your roof and converting your bathroom to be more accessible:

(1) Roof Replacement:
– Get quotes from licensed, insured contractors.
– Check for financial aid via HUD, state programs, or nonprofits like Habitat for Humanity.
– Review your homeowner’s insurance for coverage.

(2) Bathroom Accessibility:
– Hire a contractor experienced in ADA renovations.
– Explore Medicaid waivers, VA grants, and nonprofit assistance.
– Apply for Section 504 loans/grants and local programs.

Prioritize safety and research resources and get multiple quotes for both projects. Hope this helps.

Sherry Yoder
Sherry Yoder
10 months ago

I am looking for a grant or disability assistance for a wheelchair accessible van that I now need due to the progression of my Myasthenia Gravis and needing to be wheelchair bound. Can anyone help me with assistance?

clay huskisson
clay huskisson
9 months ago

aend me info im a 3 Stroke guy need help

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  clay huskisson
9 months ago

Hi Clay,

For grants or help for a three-time stroke survivor, consider these options:

(1) Local Government Programs: Check with local health and social services.
(2) Nonprofits and Charities: Organizations like the American Stroke Association and United Way.
(3) Crowdfunding: Platforms like GoFundMe.

Each of these options can provide financial assistance or connect you with resources tailored to stroke survivors. I hope you find this information useful.


John V Bassett
John V Bassett
9 months ago

I need help paying for groceries

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  John V Bassett
9 months ago

Hi John,

If you need assistance paying for groceries and you’re on disability, there are several programs and resources that may be able to help such as Government Assistance Programs, Non-Governmental Resources, and some discount programs and coupons. I hope you find this information useful.

Linda Nino Jones
Linda Nino Jones
9 months ago

I am a single mother on disability and I am 60 years old and looking for help to send my son to college he just graduated in 2024 and also looking for extra money to pay my bills cuz I am on a strip disability budget monthly

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Linda Nino Jones
9 months ago

Hi LInda,

I understand the challenges you’re facing. Here are some resources and steps you can take to find help for sending your son to college and managing your bills.

You may check for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and ensure your son fills out the FAFSA to apply for federal grants, loans, and work-study opportunities. Check with local community organizations, businesses, and your son’s high school for local scholarship opportunities. Also, if you’re not already receiving SSI in addition to SSDI, you may be eligible. SSI provides additional financial support for disabled individuals with limited income.

I hope you find this information useful.

paul lefever
paul lefever
9 months ago

need a house around 45107, in have neck and back pain, is there help for this to find a house?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  paul lefever
9 months ago

Hi Paul,

Find housing and address your health concerns around 45107 Housing Assistance, apply for Section 8 or public housing through your local Public Housing Agency (PHA). You can also Contact Habitat for Humanity and other local charities for housing assistance.

Hope these resources can help you find affordable housing and get medical assistance for your neck and back pain.

Al Mattl
Al Mattl
9 months ago

I am disabled and do not get housing so every bit of my check goes to rent and I was just hit by aimpared, intoxicated, unlicensed driver and sense I could on affird liability my car was destroyed and there is nothing I can do, so everything is messed up in my life right now

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Al Mattl
9 months ago

Hi Al,

I’m really sorry to hear about your situation. It sounds incredibly challenging, but there are resources and steps you can take to seek help. Suggest you seek Legal Assistance, contact a local legal aid organization. They often provide free legal services to low-income individuals. You may be entitled to compensation from the impaired driver who hit you. Also, reach out to support groups for people with disabilities. These groups can provide not only emotional support but also practical advice and resources. Hope this works for you.

James Green
James Green
9 months ago

Help with disabled. Need bathroom remodel for handicap.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  James Green
9 months ago

Hi James,

For a bathroom remodel for handicap accessibility, consider the following resources:

(1) HUD’s Section 504 Home Repair Program: Grants and loans for low-income homeowners. Contact your local USDA office.
(2) VA Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grant: For veterans with service-connected disabilities. Apply via the eBenefits portal.
(3) Habitat for Humanity: Offers home building and renovation services, including accessibility modifications.
(4) Rebuilding Together: Provides home repairs and accessibility modifications for low-income homeowners.

Contact these organizations to check eligibility and apply.

Susan Thompson
Susan Thompson
9 months ago

How do I get a grant because I’m on SSI

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Susan Thompson
9 months ago

Hi Susan,

Please consider the following, to get a grant while on SSI:

(1) SSA PASS Program: Set aside money for business without affecting SSI benefits (ssa.gov).
(2) State Vocational Rehabilitation: Agencies support self-employment for people with disabilities.
(3) Grants.gov: Search for federal grants.
(4) Modest Needs: Small grants for financial needs.
(5) GoFundMe: Crowdfund your needs.

Prepare documentation, apply to multiple sources, and leverage local community resources.

Susan Thompson
Susan Thompson
9 months ago


Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Susan Thompson
9 months ago

Hi Susan,

For grants and financial assistance specifically aimed at people with disabilities, consider Government Programs, as they offer financial support to individuals with disabilities who have limited income. You may also check some Nonprofit Organizations as they offer various programs and initiatives to support people with disabilities. I hope you find this information useful.

9 months ago

Looking for a $3000 grant, I am disabled with RSD in both feet and legs, lupus! Loss of right Kidney, the money I receive now Isn’t enough to live on, I am unable to look for employment so I need help to start my own little business, is there anything out here that help me get started

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Daryl
9 months ago

Hi Daryl,

You can consider these options to get a $3000 grant to start your own business.

(1) Vocational Rehabilitation (VR): State agencies may help fund business startups for people with disabilities.
(2) Modest Needs: Offers small grants for financial needs (modestneeds.org).
(3) Help Hope Live: Assists with fundraising for medical and related expenses (helphopelive.org).
(4) Grants.gov: Search for federal grants (grants.gov).
(5) SBA and SCORE: Provide resources and mentoring for small businesses (sba.gov, score.org).
(6) GoFundMe: Crowdfund your business startup (gofundme.com).

Prepare a business plan, document your needs, and apply to multiple sources to increase your chances.

Candy Redmond
Candy Redmond
9 months ago

Looking to fix my bathroom and dining room and kitchen ceiling
My husband and I are both disabled and on fixed income
Looking for a grant for veterans that are disabled but not from service

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Candy Redmond
9 months ago

Hi Candy,

There are several programs and grants available for veterans with disabilities, including those whose disabilities are not service-related, that may help you with home repairs like fixing ceilings. Here are some options to consider:

(1) Federal Programs
HUD’s Section 504 Home Repair Program: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers the Section 504 Home Repair program, which provides loans and grants to very low-income homeowners to repair, improve, or modernize their homes, or to remove health and safety hazards.

(2) VA Specially Adapted Housing (SAH) Grant: The SAH grant helps veterans with permanent and total service-connected disabilities to construct an adapted home or modify an existing home to meet their needs.

(3) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): This program helps low-income households with energy bills, and some states offer weatherization services, which can include ceiling repairs.

I hope you find this information useful.

9 months ago

For helping food and help with bills

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  John
9 months ago

Hi John,

Here are some key resources for food and bill assistance for people with disabilities:

(1) Food Assistance

– SNAP: Financial aid for groceries. Apply via state SNAP office.
– Meals on Wheels: Home-delivered meals. Contact local program.
– Food Banks: Free food supplies. Find via Feeding America.

(2) Financial Assistance

– SSI: Financial aid for low-income disabled individuals. Apply via SSA.
– LIHEAP: Help with energy bills. Apply via local LIHEAP office.
– Section 8: Rental assistance. Apply via local Public Housing Agency.

(3) Community Resources

– Local Charities: Support from organizations like Salvation Army and United Way.
– Community Action Agencies: Various assistance programs. Find local agency through Community Action Partnership.

Let me know if you need more help

Jennifer A Whitaker
Jennifer A Whitaker
9 months ago

I need a disability grant to buy a car. I am on SSI and Disability trying to regain freedom after Severe TBI as a pedestrian ran over by an uber driver.

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  Jennifer A Whitaker
9 months ago

Hi Jennifer,

To get a disability grant for a car, consider these options:

(1) SSA Programs: Use the Plan to Achieve Self-Support (PASS).
(2) State Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies: They may help with vehicle purchases.
(3) Nonprofits and Charities: Try Modest Needs, Help Hope Live, or 1-800-Charity Cars.
(4) Crowdfunding: Use platforms like GoFundMe.
(5) Local Resources: Check with community organizations and churches.

Gather necessary documents, write a personal statement, and apply to multiple sources to increase your chances.

felicia j
felicia j
9 months ago

I am disabled, not yet 55, (MS) and I am by myself, no support and I need help! Where can I find funds to assist please?

Tina Doms
Tina Doms
Reply to  felicia j
9 months ago

Hi Felicia,

I regret learning about your predicament. There are many programs available to help people with disabilities, particularly those with MS. One option is to get in touch with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, which provides financial support, resources, and resources tailored to the needs of people with MS. Another option is to turn to a platform such as GoFundMe, which can help raise money for personal needs.

I wish it’s helpful.