Once you are ready to start adding and scanning domains, start by clicking on the Add Domain button on the right of your screen.
If you want to scan a public domain, make sure you are on the Public Domain tab. You can now make the appropriate selections.
Select a Domain Crawling Method
There are three different ways you can enter the URLs associated with the domain you would like to scan:
Select the Legislations and Standards You Want to Test Against
Next, select which legislations and standards you would like to test your site against. Multiple selections are possible.
Conduct Scanning From
We will conduct your scan from a specific IP, which you will see in the final field. If for any reason your site is setup to block crawlers, this is the IP you would need to whitelist before adding your domain.
You can now click on Add Domain.
We will now start scanning the URLs you have entered – this can take several minutes. Once the scan is complete, your domains dashboard will be updated with the results.
If the domain you want to scan is housed behind a login screen, make sure you are on the Gated Domain tab when adding a new domain.
All of the public domain selections will apply, but you will also need to add Basic Authentication or Form Authentication details before adding the domain.
With basic authentication, you will need to provide a Username and Password to enable our software to scan your site.
With form authentication, you will have the option to provide more details, including:
You can now click on Add Domain.
If you have opted to auto-index a domain, the software will first collect all of the URLs associated with that domain. Once complete, you will have the option to select which URLs you want to include in the scan.
If you have entered the URLs manually or uploaded a sitemap, the software will automatically start scanning all of the URLs, which can take several minutes. Once the scan is complete, your domains dashboard will be updated with the results.