Ensure Links Are Distinguished From Surrounding Text In a Way That Does Not Rely on Color

Yotam Flohr
Low vision
WCAG 2.1 Level A

Written and researched for humans by humans

Yotam Flohr
Ritvik Shrivastava
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To accommodate users who cannot distinguish between colors, links should either have a distinct style that does not rely on color or have a contrast difference of greater than 3:1.

Why It Matters

People who experience low contrast don’t experience many bright or dark areas making text that is too close in brightness to the background difficult to read.

When a sufficient color contrast ratio is not used to distinguish link text color from surrounding text color, users are unable to identify when a link is present.

Fixing the Issue

Ensure that all links that appear in blocks of text have a color contrast difference of at least 3:1 with the surrounding text.

When the link has no distinct style, and it has a contrast difference of 3:1 or higher, you must manually test it to verify that the link gets a distinct style on focus and hover.